Wordcount - Virtual Writers' Group - Next group starts November 13th 2014 - please let me know if you'd like your name on the list for the new group - you can click here (please remember to mention Wordcount)
A$360 - six month group program ($60/mth)
A$495 - six month group program + two individual coaching sessions
Conversations with Charlotte Wood series (recommended material for Wordcount program) - A Mind of One's Own Conversations with Charlotte Wood. (Access to the entire Conversations series to download. We will refer to the Conversations content during the program).
For more information about the
Wordcount program, please enquire here.
A$360 - six month group program ($60/mth)
A$495 - six month group program + two individual coaching sessions
Conversations with Charlotte Wood series (recommended material for Wordcount program) - A Mind of One's Own Conversations with Charlotte Wood. (Access to the entire Conversations series to download. We will refer to the Conversations content during the program).
For more information about the
Wordcount program, please enquire here.